Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last Week of CYO Summer Camp 2009

As hard as it is to believe we are looking at the last sessions of CYO Summer Camp 2009. It's been a great summer and many thanks to all you parents who choice to send your campers to Bosco, Hamilton, Gallagher or Nanamakee. We strive to be one of the finest camping programs in the Pacific Northwest and according to the comments I've received this summer, we are doing just that.

Now onto the important information for Gallagher Session 5, Hamilton Session 6, Day Camp Session 7 and Nanamakee Mad Lake Horse Trip.

Camp Gallagher Session 5 starts Saturday, August 15th.

If you are dropping your camper off at Camp Gallagher: camp drop off starts at 11:30 AM.

Buses for Camp Gallagher will be leaving the Northgate Parking Ride (the one behind the Target Store just NORTH of Northgate)at 9:30am and Kennedy High School at 10:00am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so we can process all that dreaded paperwork.

Camp Hamilton Session 6 starts Monday, August 17th.

If you are dropping your camper off at Camp Hamilton: camp drop off starts at 10:30am.

Buses for summer camp at Camp Hamilton will be leaving St. Marks, Shoreline (this is right off 15th Ave not the church on the top of Capitol Hill) at 9:30am and Kennedy High School at 10:00am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so we can process all that dreaded paperwork.

On Monday, August 10th at Camp Don Bosco - Day Camp Session 7 begins:

If you are dropping your camper off at Camp Don Bosco: Day Camp campers should be at camp between 8:00am and 8:30am.

All Day Camp (St Joseph, Sea, St. Madeleine Sophie, Bellevue & St. Anthony, Renton) pickups are at 7:30am - with the drop off being around 5pm each day.

Remember to pack for anything since this is the Pacific Northwest and enjoy the best part of summer in Washington - September :-)


1 comment:

Casey said...

Camp Nanamakee is on Facebook for Alumni.